Luca Bruno blog


Syx changes web and git hosting

Syx changes web and git hosting

Cincom Industry Misinterpretations reached the 100th podcast

Cincom Industry Misinterpretations reached the 100th podcast

Interviewed by Clubsmalltalk

Interviewed by Clubsmalltalk

Syx gaining more stability and speed

Syx gaining more stability and speed

Syx 0.1.7 has been released

Syx 0.1.7 has been released

Syx, GTK+ and threading

Syx, GTK+ and threading

Syx Manual

Syx Manual

Smalltalk YX toward a new interpreter

Smalltalk YX toward a new interpreter

Smalltalk YX 0.1.6 has been released

Smalltalk YX 0.1.6 has been released

Hello world in console and GTK+

Hello world in console and GTK+